Friday, September 4, 2009


The significantly un-hot summer we had in Minneapolis is over. This fall Margaret is that old-lady in a class, an online website class full of savvy art students.

Err, do I turn the internets on?

I found that I need to take periodic breaks from the beast that is html to do exceptionally earthy, tactile tasks. I've run out of plants to repot, all my errand have been run, and in fact I'm avoiding doing my homework right now!

This is a photo of our player plant (recently re-potted) with a beautiful little flower.

This is a photo of the piece I entered in the Saul Bell design contest. I'm confident my chances of winning are slim to none. Don't think that stops me from planning how I would spend the prize money.

And finally a painting I made for a Friend that recently had a baby. The motif from an Art Nourveau vase I studied in college. I hope she doesn't hate mice or something. I know she hates farts, so I made a point not to paint farts.

1 comment:

Valery said...

LOVE the painting!!! It is so great, lady. What a wonderful gift :-]
" I know she hates farts, so I made a point not to paint farts"... LOL. you're so cool.