Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Scrollin' Down the Street Sippy-cuppin' on Gin and Juice

I just spent an embarrassing amount time trying to add the slideshow widget onto the left-hand side of this good-for-nothing blog. Why? I just thought it would be nice to have a slideshow of my scroll-painting, maybe it could even "scroll" through the images.

My good intentions turned quickly into vindictive rage when I couldn't figure out how to work the encode. Believing that I could somehow figure out how to get exactly what I wanted, the process became a half-day battle between me and pop-up help screens, all because I thought it was a neat idea. I need to call it a day. I'm giving up.

The lengthiness of this uninteresting rant isn't making up for lost time, so just so I can have a little something to show for myself, hereeeeeeeeeeeeeee's the scroll:
(just thing how great it would be above the blog archive!)

I really hate to say it, but myspace is easy to use and now I'm spoiled.

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