Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Writing things down

The things to do are taunting me again....

1) Cut-out poloroid outline in copper (half size), for enameling project
2) See when Annika can show me how to enamel
3) Laundry!
4) Clean fake blood off tiny stuffed monkey
5) Read basket weaving book, or make photocopies of important pages
6) Find photocopier to mooch off of
7) Learn how to play cribbage
8)Do life drawing study of Sippy Cup
9) Find out what people do to sell jewelry at boutique stores
10) Email White Castle man and other jewelry contacts on how to get a job
11) Fix drippy sink
12) Fix drink
13) convince Jeanne to visit Mpls for Halloween 
14) Send out Myspace bulletin for Halloween party
15) Repair cowboy boots
16) Practice drawing monsters


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