Sunday, September 7, 2008

to do list

  1. see new Cohen brother's movie
  2. go for long bike ride and learn proper way to shift gears
  3. purchase bell for bike
  4. finish mountian painting and photograph
  5. organize earings
  6. make silver ingot
  7. google image seach jpegs of wolves for new painting
  8. hit up Utrecht for supplies: large paper, steacher bars, and canvas, preferabley when Bill is working
  9. file mold marks off wax injections for casting
  10. take shoes in to be repaired
  11. finish watching netflix movie and return
  12. call Soap Factory about $99 show about 5 x 7 art piece I sent in
  13. learn how to play cribage
  14. renew library card
  15. ask landlord about turning basment into exersize room
  16. put better music on ipod
  17. move catgrass out to porch, so Leggs will stop eating it and puking it up
  18. finish reading Zen and the Art
  19. put bedroom door back on its hinges
  20. mail letter to Jeanne


Trudy said...
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Trudy said...

wait, i take that back.
i don't realy get it.

Trudy said...

I was drunk when I wrote that. I get it now.

J-Weeny said...

testing, one two three

J-Weeny said...

er, is this thing on?